Chinese Herbal Medicine
What is Chinese Herbal Medicine?
Herbal medicine (herbs), also known as botanical medicine, are plants that are used to make medicine, aromatic oils, and flavor our food. An herb can be a leaf, bark, or any part of a plant used for its medicinal, aromatic, or food flavoring properties.
History of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Herbs have provided humankind with medicine from the earliest beginnings of civilization. Throughout history, various cultures have handed down their accumulated knowledge of the medicinal use of herbs to successive generations. This vast body of knowledge serves as the basis for much of traditional medicine today.

The practice of Chinese herbal medicine dates back more than 3,000 years. Herbal medicine embraces all of the domains of nature - earth and sea, seasons and weather, plants and animals, and all the elements that constitute the universe. Contemporary Chinese medicine represents the cumulative clinical experience and time-tested theories of five millennia of continuous practice by traditional Chinese physicians. It remains the world's oldest, safest, and most comprehensive system of medical care, developing as dynamically today as it has throughout its long history.
Benefits of Chinese Herbal Medicine
The World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations notes that of the 119 plant-derived pharmaceutical medicines, approximately 74% of modern medications used today are prescribed in ways correlating directly with their traditional use as a plant-based medicine from native cultures. Studies have proven that herbs are effective in treating premenstrual syndrome, indigestion, stress, insomnia, heart disease, liver disease, and more.